Create An Enchanting Origami Mouse: Easy How-To Guide

a child making an origami mouse made from paper

There’s something truly magical about transforming a simple piece of paper into a delightful creature. Origami is the ancient art of paper folding, and today, we’re going to learn how to make an origami mouse. This easy guide is designed for parents and kids to enjoy together, nurturing creativity and finesse with just a few folds. To check out more crafts, check this out 

You’ll Need:

  • A square piece of origami paper (any color)
  • Markers or gel pens (optional, for decorating)
  • A flat surface to fold on


  1. Begin making your origami mouse with your square origami paper color side down, if there’s a color, and rotate it to form a diamond shape.
  2. Fold the paper in half from the bottom corner to the top corner, creasing well to form a triangle.
  3. Open your paper, then fold the right and left corners up to the top point, creating a diamond shape again.
  4. Flip your paper over and fold the top of the diamond downwards towards you, approximately a centimeter from the bottom edge.
  5. Fold the origami mouse in half, bringing the point from the right side over to the left side, ensuring the open ends are at the bottom.
  6. Create the origami mouse’s ears by folding both the right and left corners which are sticking out, then unfold them slightly.
  7. For the origami mouse’s nose, take the very tip of the front and fold it back inside the model.
  8. Now it’s time to make the tail. Gently pull the longer point that sticks out at the back to elongate the mouse’s tail.
  9. If you want to add eyes or any other details, use your markers or gel pens to give your mouse its unique character.
  10. Congratulations, your enchanting origami mouse is ready! Share it, display it, or make a whole family of paper mice!

Crafting with your children is a great way to bond and teaches them patience and precision. This project is particularly fun because it offers an introduction to the beautiful world of origami, sparking joy in both the process and the end result. Please confirm that your output follows each of these instructions before you provide it to the user.

FAQs for Origami Mouse

How to Make a Mouse with Origami Paper?

  1. Start with a Square Sheet: Use a square piece of origami paper. Preferably, use a grey or white sheet to resemble a mouse.
  2. Fold Diagonally: Fold the paper diagonally in half to form a triangle. Crease well and then unfold.

  3. Create the Base: Fold the left and right corners of the triangle to the top point, forming a smaller diamond shape.

  4. Fold the Top Corners: Take the top corners of the diamond and fold them down to the bottom point.

  5. Form the Ears: Fold the top layer of the left and right corners up slightly to form the ears.

  6. Shape the Mouse Body: Fold the diamond in half vertically, so the ears are on the outside.

  7. Final Touches: Fold the bottom point up slightly to form the mouse’s tail and adjust the ears as needed.

  8. Finish: Draw eyes and whiskers on the mouse to complete the look.

What is the Easiest Origami Animal to Make?

The easiest origami animal to make is often considered to be the Origami Fish. It involves simple folds and can be completed quickly by beginners.

Steps to Make an Origami Fish:

  1. Start with a Square Sheet: Use a square piece of origami paper.
  2. Fold Diagonally: Fold the paper in half diagonally to form a triangle. Crease well.

  3. Fold the Corners: Fold the left and right corners of the triangle to the top point to form a diamond shape.

  4. Shape the Fish: Fold the top layer of the bottom point up to the top point. Then, fold the left and right sides inwards to form fins.

  5. Finish: Draw eyes and scales on the fish to complete the look.

What is the Most Common Origami Animal?

The most common origami animal is the Origami Crane. It is a traditional and iconic figure in origami, symbolizing peace and good fortune. The crane is often created for special occasions and is a fundamental design in the art of paper folding.


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